Lat. 37.091 N - Log. -84.604 W
City of Somerset land area (square miles) |
4 |
Pulaski County land area (square miles) |
661 |
Mean annual temperature (F) |
58.90 |
Mean annual rainfall (inches) |
47.29 |
Average elevation (feet) |
974 |
Lake elevation |
710 |
City of Somerset elevation |
975 |
Highest knolls in county |
1500+ |
Eastern Time Zone |
City of Somerset - 2010 |
11,196 |
Pulaski County - 2010 |
63,063 |
Labor Market Area |
300,562 |
Workforce in the Year 2008
Pulaski County |
27,304 |
Rate of Unemployment |
6.9% |
Tax Rates from Pulaski County PVA office website
2008 Real Estate tax rate per $1000
Somerset $9.46
Pulaski County $ 7.17
2007 Personal Property tax rate per $1000
Somerset $6.02
Pulaski County $10.68
State Sales Tax: 6%
State Income Tax: 6%
Agriculture in Pulaski County generates more than 35 million each year. Annual livestock production, including dairy, is nearly $21 million annually. Crops include wheat, corn and tobacco.
Churches Churches are a focal point of many of the community activities and you will find a variety of fun things to do throughout the year under church sponsorship. Local churches sponsor youth camps, softball leagues and Christmas and Easter programs. Through God's Food Pantry and the Pulaski County Emergency Relief Ministry, churches respond quickly and compassionately to local families in need.
Somerset Pulaski County Area has more than 1,200 rooms available.
Health Services
Somerset and Pulaski County has one of the most advanced and technologically equipped health care facilities in the state of Kentucky.
Lake Cumberland Hospital, a 227 bed facility, is designed and equipped to provide primary and secondary medical services to an eleven county area of 280,000 people. The hospital is one of three hospitals in the nation to serve as both a Rural Regional Referral Center and a Disproportionate Share facility. It has been recognized as one of the benchmark top 100 hospitals in the U.S. The facilities include modern, state-of-the-art intensive care, complete clinical pathology, a radiology department with nuclear medicine, ultra-sound, whole-body spiral CT scanning and a fixed site MRI with plans to install an open MRI. The facility is a regional cancer treatment center with Cobalt and Linear Accelerator and a 24 hour emergency room among the busiest in the state. Specialties include neurosurgery, orthopedic, general surgery, gynecology, ophthalmology, urology, ENT, cardiology, pulmonary medicine, pediatrics and gastroenterology.
Somerset has a strong and solid business climate. An energetic and productive work force, plentiful industrial and commercial land and an excellent transportation system combine to ensure Somerset's industrial growth. The county currently has two public industrial parks that occupy approximately half of the 500 acres zoned for industrial use. The county's largest industrial employers include nationally-known companies, Presidium Learning, Kingsford Products Company and General Electric . The products of Pulaski County include automotive parts, porcelain fixtures, pressed glassware, lumber, and wood products, clothing and food products.
Three public school systems are striving to help area youth develop into productive adults. The public school system of Pulaski County serves approximately 8000 students and is composed of eight elementary schools (K-5), two middle schools (6-8), two high schools (9-12), two alternative schools and one area technology center. There is one elementary, one middle, and one high school in the Somerset Independent School System. The Science Hill System offers K-8. These systems receive high marks per-pupil expenditures, pupil-teacher ratios, and funding for equipment, maintenance, and improvements. The State of Kentucky recently passed a sweeping education reform act which will further strengthen and enhance both school systems. The area is served by two pre-schools and several public and private kindergartens. There is also a Head Start program in Somerset.